Dr.V.Bharath.,BEMS., MD(EH)

I welcome you to the family of learners in Madhu Institute of Medical Science (MIMS) at Madurai.We,through our Madhu Charitable and Social trust working sincerely for the promotion,development & research in the field of Electropathy medical science and to keep Electrohomoeopathy at the right place in india.
To achieve and work succesfully within the modern setup,we design an innovative systems of good quality education. We provide an opportunity to those who are skillfully employed to upgrade their knowledge and skills tailored to meet specific, vocational,professional needs whenever they wish to do so.
Quality of learning mainly depend upon the quality of teaching. Quality of teaching again depends on the quality of training. We achieve this by our MIMS which ensure that each students,needs and expectations are fulfilled,thus enhancing the ability to acquire and apply knowledge.