- Introduction of Electropathy/EIectrohomoeopathy.
- Principle of Electropathy
- Life history of Dr.CountCeaserMattei.
- Development of Electropathy under NEHM of India
- Principles of nature
- Principles of ‘Od’ Force
- Difference between Homoeopathy & Electropathy.
- Introduction of Pharmacy including its branches.
- Cohobation Method.
Identification and collection of a minimum 10 plants (available in India) used in E.H.Medicines and their parts used to be attached in the file with their details, determine moisture contentof the plant, use of Pharmaceutical apparatus and vehicles, preparation of Electropathy. medicated globules, ditutions, sugar of milk, globules and all the external applicants, methods of preservation of E.H. medicines,preparation of various doses.
- (A) BONES :- All kinds of Bones. (B) JOINTS :- Classification of Joints, Joints of Vertebral ColumnAssociated with the movement of the head, Joints of the Ribs, .
- THE MUSCLES :- Muscles of Head and Neck, Muscles of the ear, Nose and Mouth, The lnfra-hyoidmuscle, The Prevertebral Muscles, the muscles of the Upper Limb, Muscles of the ,
- HEART &ARTERIES :- Shape, Position and surface of the outline of the Heart, Circulationof the Blood through the Heart, Arteries and veins, Cavities of the Heart, Arteries of the thorax,
- LUNGS :- Shape, Fissures & Lobes, Root of the Lung, Bronchial Tree, Arterial Supply,Venous Drainage, Lymphatic Drainage, Nerve Supply, Broncho-pulmonary segments.
- VEINS:-of the Brain, of the face, Scalp and neck, of the upper Limb, of the thorax, the vertebral and spinal veinsofthe abdomen and pelvis. .
Identification and collection of a minimum 10 plants (available in India) used in E.H.Medicines and their parts used to be attached in the file with their details, determine moisture contentof the plant, use of Pharmaceutical apparatus and vehicles, preparation of Electropathy. medicated globules, ditutions, sugar of milk, globules and all the external applicants, methods of preservation of E.H. medicines,preparation of various doses.
- Structure of Cell & its functions, Elementary Tissue of Human body.
- BLOOD :- Functions, Plasma Protein, E.S.R, Blood clotting, Blood volume, Bone marrow & its functions, R.B.C. & itsdevelopment, W.B.C. & its development, Haemoglobin & its functions, .
- CARDIO VASCULAR SYSTEM :-Capillary circulation, Venous return, structure & Properties of heart, Cardiac output & Heart rate, Blood Pressure, Circulation through special regions.
- RESPIRATORY SYSTEM:-Pulmonary volumes & Capacities, regulation of Breathing, carriage of Oxygen by blood, C02 Transportin body, Dyspnea, Anoxia,
- METABOLISM :- B.M.R., Metabolismof carbohydrates, Proteins & Fats, Vitamins, Diet.
- physiology of muscles.
- DIGESTIVESYSTEM :- Physiology of digestion in small intestine, Large intestine, Deglutition, Vomiting, Hiccup,Function of Liver & Gall Bladder.
- Recording the Body Temperature.
- Recording the Pulse.
- Recording the BloodPressure (in different postures)
- Collection of Blood Sample
- P.C.V. (Packed Cell Volume).
- BleedingTime.
- Clotting Time
- haemoglobin Estimation