- We (through our College & Hospital)are genuinely working for the promotion,development and research in the field of Electropathy in india.
- We are regularly conducting seminars,conferences,and refreshing classes for making skilful and talented Electropaths.
- We are conducting a number of free Electropathy medical camps all over the india for creating well awareness among all.
- We are promoted Electropathy by Making Vcd/dvds and Audio Cds.
- We are posted many short videos in You tube for creating Eh awareness all over the world.
- Soon we are going to publish well standard Electropathy text books.
- We protect the genuine practitioners of Electropathy through our South india electropaths association (SEA).
- We are progressively working for publishing Electropathy Journals.
- We are genuinely guided many students and practitioners to manufacture Eh medicines and also work as distributor/stockist.
- We are issuing a complete set of Electropathy legal documents at free of cost.
- We are treated many patients at affordable cost/free of cost if so needy.
- We are supplying many E-books(Eh) at free of cost via email.